Monday, May 24, 2010

blog #2


  1. While I enjoyed your critique of empiricism and patriarchy, I do not see how this post connects with using an intersectional approach to studying the abuse of women. I am not trying to be rude, just want to better understand your post.

  2. I fell like I must expand a bit on my last post, or I may not be able to sleep at night. Your post was interesting, but in no way did it answer the question. Furthermore, I am, personally, offended that you would shirk off a post dealing with an issue that is SO crucial in this, and every other, country in the world. Women the world over are abused mentally and physically every day without justice. Men control and manipulate their wives and daughters, co workers and neighbors...even service people. This is a worldwide epidemic that has taken huge steps in the last generations. For you to step over this crucial issue is unacceptable. Even more unacceptable is your layering of underdeveloped philosophy, horrific grammar, and sentence structure. There are other males in this class- they make well considered, helpful, and analytical comments that have proven to start fantastic and worthwhile discussions. As a woman, a grammar lover, and an English major- I must plead with you to please, please, please, consider the rest of us when you are ranting. This is a class where we are supposed to be collaborating as a team-- join the team, or hop off the boat.
    I'd love to read more of your opinions that pertain to our class.
